lutSampler: GPUSamplerPrivate
aerialThe aerial perspective look up table. Stores the aerial perspective in a volume fit to the view frustum.
Parameterized by x and y corresponding to the image plane and z being the view depth (range: [0, AerialPerspectiveLutConfig.size[2] * AerialPerspectiveLutConfig.distancePerSlice]).
atmosphereA uniform buffer of size ATMOSPHERE_BUFFER_SIZE storing the Atmosphere's parameters.
deviceThe WebGPU device the resources are allocated from.
labelA name that is propagated to the WebGPU resources.
lutA linear sampler used to sample the look up tables.
multiThe multiple scattering look up table. Stores multiple scattering contribution.
Paramterized by the sun / zenith angle in x (range: [π, 0]) and the altitude in y (range: [0, top], where top is the height of the atmosphere).
skyThe sky view lookup table. Stores the distant sky around the camera with respect to its altitude within the atmosphere.
The lookup table is parameterized by a longitude mapping along the X-axis and a latitude mapping along the Y-axis. The latitude range is always [-π/2, π/2], where 0 represents the horizon. There are two supported longitude mappings:
To enable the uniform longitude mapping, SkyViewLutConfig.uniformParameterizationConfig must be defined. Note that this mapping assumes that light and view directions are given in a right-handed Y-up coordinate system. This is configured by SkyViewUniformParameterizationConfig.isYUp and SkyViewUniformParameterizationConfig.isRightHanded.
transmittanceThe transmittance look up table. Stores the medium transmittance toward the sun.
Parameterized by the view / zenith angle in x and the altitude in y.
uniformsA uniform buffer of size UNIFORMS_BUFFER_SIZE storing parameters set through Uniforms.
If custom uniform buffers are used, this is undefined (see CustomUniformsSourceConfig).
Updates the SkyAtmosphereResources.atmosphereBuffer using a given Atmosphere.
Overwrites this instance's internal Atmosphere parameters.
the Atmosphere to write to the atmosphereBuffer.
atmosphereToFloatArray Internally call atmosphereToFloatArray to convert the Atmosphere to a Float32Array
Updates the SkyAtmosphereResources.uniformsBuffer using a given Uniforms.
the Uniforms to write to the atmosphereBuffer.
uniformsToFloatArray Internally call uniformsToFloatArray to convert the Uniforms to a Float32Array
Atmosphere parameters.
Set using updateAtmosphere.