

#atmosphere: Atmosphere

Atmosphere parameters.

Set using updateAtmosphere.

aerialPerspectiveLut: LookUpTable

The aerial perspective look up table. Stores the aerial perspective in a volume fit to the view frustum.

Parameterized by x and y corresponding to the image plane and z being the view depth (range: [0, AerialPerspectiveLutConfig.size[2] * AerialPerspectiveLutConfig.distancePerSlice]).

atmosphereBuffer: GPUBuffer

A uniform buffer of size ATMOSPHERE_BUFFER_SIZE storing the Atmosphere's parameters.

device: GPUDevice

The WebGPU device the resources are allocated from.

label: string

A name that is propagated to the WebGPU resources.

lutSampler: GPUSampler

A linear sampler used to sample the look up tables.

multiScatteringLut: LookUpTable

The multiple scattering look up table. Stores multiple scattering contribution.

Paramterized by the sun / zenith angle in x (range: [π, 0]) and the altitude in y (range: [0, top], where top is the height of the atmosphere).

skyViewLut: LookUpTable

The sky view look up table. Stores the distant sky around the camera with respect to it's altitude within the atmosphere.

Parameterized by the longitude in x (range: [0, 2π]) and latitude in y (range: [-π/2, π/2]).

transmittanceLut: LookUpTable

The transmittance look up table. Stores the medium transmittance toward the sun.

Parameterized by the view / zenith angle in x and the altitude in y.

uniformsBuffer?: GPUBuffer

A uniform buffer of size UNIFORMS_BUFFER_SIZE storing parameters set through Uniforms.

If custom uniform buffers are used, this is undefined (see CustomUniformsSourceConfig).

