formatThe format of the sky view lookup table.
Must support GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING
with "write-only"
Must support GPUTextureSampleType
Should be at least a three component format.
Defaults to: "rgba16float"
sizeThe size of the sky view lookup table.
Defaults to [192, 108]
uniformIf defined, the sky view lookup table uses a uniform longitude parameterization around the zenith. This provides equal angular resolution across the entire azimuthal range, enabling representation of multiple light sources in the same lookup table. However, it reduces the angular resolution for individual light sources.
If undefined, the lookup table defaults to a sun-centric longitude mapping. This focuses angular resolution near the primary light source, offering better quality for single-light scenarios. If only one light source is used, this parameterization is recommended.
See SkyAtmosphereResources.skyViewLut for more details on the LUT's parameterization.
Defaults to undefined.
If this is true and SkyAtmosphereRendererConfig.shadow is defined, user-controlled shadow mapping will be evaluated for every sample when rendering the sky view lookup table.
Defaults to true.