Class SkyRayMarchRasterRenderer

A sky / atmosphere renderer that renders the sky using full-resolution ray marching. It uses GPURenderPipelines to render the sky / atmosphere.


  • SkyRasterRenderer
    • SkyRayMarchRasterRenderer



bindGroupLayout: GPUBindGroupLayout
doesRayMarchDistantSky: boolean
targetFormats: GPUTextureFormat[]



  • Parameters

    • depthBuffer: GPUTexture | GPUTextureView

    Returns GPUBindGroup

  • Parameters

    • depthBuffer: GPUTexture | GPUTextureView

    Returns GPUBindGroupEntry[]

  • Replaces potentially screen-size dependent external resources (depth buffer) in the internal bind groups.


    • depthBuffer: GPUTexture | GPUTextureView

      The depth buffer to limit the ray marching distance when rendering the sky / atmosphere. If this is a textue, a texture view will be created. If this is a texture view, it must be allowed to be bound as a texture<f32>. I.e., if the texture has a depth-stencil format, the texture view must be a "depth-only" view.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder
    • Optional atmosphere: Atmosphere

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder
    • Optional uniforms: Uniforms

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder
    • Optional uniforms: Uniforms
    • Optional atmosphere: Atmosphere
    • Optional skipDynamicLutRendering: boolean
    • Optional forceConstantLutRendering: boolean
    • Optional forceSkyViewLutRendering: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder

    Returns void

  • Renders the sky / atmosphere.


    • passEncoder: GPURenderPassEncoder | GPURenderBundleEncoder

      A GPURenderPassEncoder or GPURenderBundleEncoder to encode the pass with. The encoder is not end()ed by this function.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • passEncoder: GPUComputePassEncoder

    Returns void

  • Returns {
        dual: GPUBlendState;
        single: GPUBlendState;

    • dual: GPUBlendState
    • single: GPUBlendState
  • Parameters

    Returns [GPURenderPipelineDescriptor, GPUTextureFormat[]]