Enumeration SPDFilters

The names of all predefined filters of WebGPUSinglePassDownsampler. Custom ones can be registered with an instance of WebGPUSinglePassDownsampler using WebGPUSinglePassDownsampler.registerFilter.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

Average: "average"

Takes the channel-wise average of 4 pixels.

Max: "max"

Takes the channel-wise maximum of 4 pixels.

Min: "min"

Takes the channel-wise minimum of 4 pixels.

MinMax: "minmax"

Takes the minimum of the red channel and the maximum of the red and green channel and stores the result in the red and green channel respectively. This really only makes sense for single-channel input textures (where only the red channel holds any data), e.g., for generating a min-max pyramid of a depth buffer.