Mie scattering exponential distribution scale in the atmosphere in km^-1
Mie extinction coefficients in km^-1
Mie phase function parameter.
For Cornette-Shanks, this is the excentricity, i.e., the asymmetry paraemter of the phase function in range ]-1, 1[.
For Henyey-Greenstein + Draine, this is the droplet diameter in µm. This should be in range ]2, 20[ (according to the paper, the lower bound for plausible fog particle sizes is 5 µm). For Henyey-Greenstein + Draine using a constant droplet diameter, this parameter has no effect.
Mie scattering coefficients in km^-1
Mie scattering parameters.
The Mie phase function is approximated using the Cornette-Shanks phase function.