Interface FullResolutionRayMarchConfig

interface FullResolutionRayMarchConfig {
    randomizeRayOffsets?: boolean;
    rayMarchDistantSky?: boolean;
    useColoredTransmittance?: boolean;


randomizeRayOffsets?: boolean

Results in less sampling artefacts (e.g., smoother volumetric shadows) but introduces visible noise. It is recommended to use temporal anti-aliasing to get rid of this noise.

Defaults to true.

rayMarchDistantSky?: boolean

If this is false, the sky view lookup table is used for pixels with an invalid depth value.

While this is cheaper than a full-resolution ray march, volumetric shadows will not be rendered for distant sky pixels.

Defaults to false.

useColoredTransmittance?: boolean

If this this true, colored transmittance will be used to blend the rendered sky and the texture data in the back buffer when using the full-screen ray marching pass to render the sky.

For a SkyAtmosphereRasterRenderer, this requires the "dual-source-blending" feature to be enabled. Otherwise, this flag has no effect. Without the "dual-source-blending" feature enabled, colored transmissions can only be rendered using a SkyAtmosphereComputeRenderer or by writing luminance and transmittance to extra targets and blending them in an extra pass (see SkyRendererRasterConfig.transmissionFormat, the blending step is then left to the user).

Defaults to true.